MultiRAE Benzene

MultiRAE Benzene

MultiRAE Wing Tank Entry Kit


RAE Systems- MultiRAE Wing-Tank Entry Kit.

The MultiRAE Wingtank Entry Kit is a unique solution customized to improve the safety of any wingtank entry program. RAE Systems has helped a number of major airlines, air forces and aircraft manufacturers put together a simple program that utilizes the MultiRAE Plus’s PID (Photoionization Detector) instead of traditional wheatstone bridge LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) sensors for measuring jet fuel vapors. Simply put:

Wheatstone bridge sensors are designed to measure methane, not hydrocarbons. Jet fuel is a mixture of hydrocarbons, and PIDs are the best compact hydrocarbon detectors.

PIDs are a superior sensor for Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) alarms in the jet fuel environment because their sensitivity makes them less prone to false alarms. PIDs provide users with greater confidence in their meter readings and thus greater confidence in their safety when entering a potentially hazardous environment.

The MultiRAE Wingtank Entry Kit is customized specifically for entering aircraft wingtanks that previously contained jet fuel. The monitor's alarms, gas measurement scales, and calibration gases are all specially tailored for use in environments containing jet fuel vapors. In addition to a PID, the MultiRAE used in our Wingtank Entry Kit also includes an Oxygen sensor and a traditional LEL sensor that provides a backup reading for the PID. While the MultiRAE Plus has an additional 2 toxic gas sensor sockets that may be filled with CO, H2S, or any two of our 10 toxic gas sensors, these two toxic sockets are not filled in the MultiRAE Wingtank Entry Kit as they are typically not required in this particular environment.

MultiRAE WingTank Information Sheet

The MultiRAE is truly the next generation of gas detection, and has proven to be uniquely suited to the aircraft jet fuel environment:

  PID sensor provides reliable and consistent readings
  Strong pump allows sampling from wing access ports prior to entry
  Small size lets you carry the kit into large center tanks or take it into tight, baffled areas that are difficult to reach with a remote sample hose
  Durable rubber boot protects the MultiRAE Plus from abuse and keeps it from sliding off of smooth wing surfaces

Complete Custom Kit specifically designed for Jet Fuel Environments contains the following:

  MultiRAE gas monitor with LEL, O2, and PID with 10.6 eV lamp sensors and internal pump installed
  Datalogging installed and running in the background
  Custom wingtank entry configuration preloaded to define alarms and correction factors
  Waterproof case (“Pelican” style)
  Rugged rubber boot
  34 liters, 100 ppm Isobutylene balance air Calibration Gas
  34 liter cylinder, 20% LEL Methane balance air Calibration Gas
  0.5 ppm Gas Regulator for 34 liter cylinders listed above
  Remote access probe with collapsible aluminum probe, insulated handle, and Teflon tubing with leather carry holster
  Water traps (pack of 10)
  Lithium-ion batteries installed
  Battery charger 110 VAC to 12VDC 0.5A
  Battery adapter for 4 AA alkaline batteries
  3 organic vapor zero gas adapters with luer fittings to fit MultiRAE Plus inlet
  PID Lamp cleaning kit