AreaRAE Plus/Pro Replacement Boots

AreaRAE Plus/Pro Replacement Boots

7R+ PID ppb Sensor for AreaRAE Pro Monitors

7R+ PID ppb Sensor for AreaRAE Pro Monitors

RAE 3000 Series Monitors Replacement Boots

3000 monitors Boots

Replacement Protective Boot for RAE Systems MiniRAE 3000, ppbRAE 3000, MiniRAELite and UltraRAE 3000 Monitors -

Optional replacement boots for the MiniRAE 3000, ppbRAE 3000, MiniRAE Lite , and UltraRAE 3000 monitors. 

Part Number Description
059-2081-001 Slim Rubber Boot - Yellow (MiniRAE 3000)
059-3042-001 Rubber Boot w/ Straps - Black (ppbRAE 3000)
059-2083-001 Slim Rubber Boot - Red (UltraRAE 3000)
059-2082-001 Slim Rubber Boot - Green (MiniRAE Lite)