DOD - ChemLogic Portable X (CLPX) Replacement Cassettes

clpx cassette

CLPX Replacement Cassettes

The ChemLogic Portable X replacement cartridges are compatible with the CLPX gas monitors. They provided a reliable and foolproof user friendly gas detection due to its impoved optics design and automated calibration

CLPX cassettes are available to detect the following gasses:

  • - Phosgene
  • - Hydride 
  • - Mineral Acid
  • - Nitric Acid 
  • - Chlorine
  • - LL Chlorine 
  • - Diisocyanates
  • - Nitrogen Dioxide
  • - Ammonia
  • - Hydrazine
  • - E15
  • - F2 Oxidizer

Available Tapes

Phosgene 1-200-070
Hydride 1-300-070
Mineral Acid 1-400-070
Nitric Acid 1-400-075
Chlorine 1-500-070
LL Chlorine 1-500-075
Diisocyanates 1-600-070
Nitrogen Dioxide 1-600-570
Ammonia 1-700-070
Hydrazine 1-D11-070
E15 1-E15-070
F2 Oxidizer 1-550-070